Project information

PARAMUNO Project 1

Project ID: BCR-CO-635-14-003
Project Name: PARAMUNO Project 1
Project Participants: Private landowners, the Cataruben Foundation and USAID
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): Versa Expertos en Certificación
Methodology: BCR0003_Quantification of GHG emission Reductions. Activities that prevent land use change in high mountain ecosystems and BCR0002_Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions. REDD+ Projects
Quantification Period: 2017-08-01 to 2037-07-31
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 477,625
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from:
Country: Colombia


Click here to download the project coordinate files.


Paramuno is a climate change mitigation project targeting the reduction of greenhouse gases through the conservation of forests and paramos in the Colombian Andes. It addresses the degradation of high-mountain ecosystems caused by increased water and resource demand, climate change, tourism, mining, and agricultural expansion. The project supports sustainable transitions in these ecosystems, providing economic incentives for conservation and strengthening local governance. A primary strategy is selling carbon credits to combat deforestation and land-use change. Project Paramuno P1 also aims to support Sustainable Development Goals 6, 13, and 15, targeting clean water, climate action, and life on land. It aspires to achieve the Orchid category, signifying its commitment to long-term social and environmental benefits.