Project information

Proyecto de mitigación de cambio climático Región Caribe

Project ID: BCR-CO-173-14-001
Project Name: Proyecto de mitigación de cambio climático Región Caribe
Project Holder: Forestal Monterrey Colombia S.A.S.
Project Participants: Forestal Monterrey Colombia S.A.S , Greenwood Resources, South Pole Carbon Asset Management S.A.S
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): AENOR Confia S.A.U.
Methodology: BCR0001_ARR Activities and BCR0002_Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions. REDD+ Projects
Quantification Period: 2012-03-29 to 2042-03-29
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 635,953
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from:
Country: Colombia

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The Caribbean Region climate change mitigation project is an initiative of Forestal Monterrey Colombia S.A.S (FMC), which, with the support of Greenwood Resources, leads the development of commercial forest plantations and protects areas of tropical dry forest (bs-T) in the departments of Bolivar and Magdalena in Colombia. The FMC company implements greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation actions, developing reforestation and forest conservation activities to avoid deforestation and degradation of the natural forest on its land through the mechanism for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)+. FMC seeks to reduce GHG emissions in approximately 5,864 hectares of tropical dry forest in the Colombian Caribbean region. Likewise, FMC has Melina (Gmelina Arborea) and Ceiba tolúa (Pachira quinata) plantations with which it seeks to remove more than 80,000 tCO2e in an area of 2,416.8 ha.