2022-05-02 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
60,676 |
456916 |
517591 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1901-1912-0456916-0517591 |
2022-05-02 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
52,308 |
393900 |
446207 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1801-1812-0393900-0446207 |
2022-05-02 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
42,990 |
323733 |
366722 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1701-1712-0323733-0366722 |
2022-05-02 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4938 |
4938 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004938-0004938 |
2022-05-02 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4937 |
4937 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004937-0004937 |
2022-05-02 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4936 |
4936 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004936-0004936 |
2022-05-02 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4935 |
4935 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004935-0004935 |
2022-05-02 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
47 |
55083 |
55129 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0055083-0055129 |
2022-05-02 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
6 |
55077 |
55082 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0055077-0055082 |
2022-05-02 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
631 |
54446 |
55076 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0054446-0055076 |
2022-05-02 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
871 |
53575 |
54445 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0053575-0054445 |
2022-04-25 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4934 |
4934 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004934-0004934 |
2022-04-25 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4933 |
4933 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004933-0004933 |
2022-04-22 |
CO2Bio |
20 |
4913 |
4932 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004913-0004932 |
2022-04-21 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
344,503 |
183392 |
527894 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2001-2010-0183392-0527894 |
2022-04-21 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
298,182 |
158734 |
456915 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1901-1912-0158734-0456915 |
2022-04-21 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
257,058 |
136842 |
393899 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1801-1812-0136842-0393899 |
2022-04-21 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
211,267 |
112466 |
323732 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1701-1712-0112466-0323732 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
35,503 |
147889 |
183391 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2001-2010-0147889-0183391 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
30,730 |
128004 |
158733 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1901-1912-0128004-0158733 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
26,492 |
110350 |
136841 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1801-1812-0110350-0136841 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
21,773 |
90693 |
112465 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1701-1712-0090693-0112465 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
147,888 |
1 |
147888 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2001-2010-0000001-0147888 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
128,003 |
1 |
128003 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1901-1912-0000001-0128003 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
110,349 |
1 |
110349 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1801-1812-0000001-0110349 |
2022-04-20 |
Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia |
Bosques de la Primavera S.A |
90,692 |
1 |
90692 |
BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-1701-1712-0000001-0090692 |
2022-04-19 |
Proyecto de Conservación Delfines Cupica REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
48 |
10708 |
10755 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-002-2-1101-1112-0010708-0010755 |
2022-04-19 |
Proyecto de Conservación Palameku Kuwei REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
80 |
73233 |
73312 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-001-3-1006-1812-0073233-0073312 |
2022-04-19 |
Proyecto de Conservación YAAWI IIPANA REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
98 |
69187 |
69284 |
PCR-CO-BFX-141-005-2-1501-1512-0069187-0069284 |
2022-04-18 |
CO2Bio |
5 |
4908 |
4912 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004908-0004912 |
2022-04-16 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4907 |
4907 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004907-0004907 |
2022-04-15 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4906 |
4906 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004906-0004906 |
2022-04-15 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4905 |
4905 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004905-0004905 |
2022-04-15 |
CO2Bio |
1 |
4904 |
4904 |
PCR-CO-635-141-001-2-1501-1512-0004904-0004904 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
95,000 |
52235 |
147234 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1801-1812-0052235-0147234 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
5,000 |
97794 |
102793 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1701-1712-0097794-0102793 |
2022-04-08 |
Proyecto de Conservación Kaliawiri REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
91,723 |
601006 |
692728 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-004-2-1801-1812-0601006-0692728 |
2022-04-08 |
Proyecto de Conservación YAAWI IIPANA REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
208,277 |
280773 |
489049 |
PCR-CO-BFX-141-005-2-1901-1912-0280773-0489049 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
152 |
46982 |
47133 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1901-1912-0046982-0047133 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
590 |
46392 |
46981 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1901-1912-0046392-0046981 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
1,668 |
44724 |
46391 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1901-1912-0044724-0046391 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
13,572 |
31152 |
44723 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1901-1912-0031152-0044723 |
2022-04-08 |
CO2Bio Proyecto 2 |
31,151 |
1 |
31151 |
PCR-CO-635-141-002-2-1901-1912-0000001-0031151 |
2022-04-08 |
Proyecto de compensación de emisiones Conservación del bosque Galilea-Amé |
South Pole Carbon Asset Management S.A.S. |
6 |
270838 |
270843 |
PCR-CO-FU-14-001-2-1009-1903-0270838-0270843 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación Kaliawiri REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
20,000 |
581006 |
601005 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-004-2-1801-1812-0581006-0601005 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación Kaliawiri REDD+ |
Biofix Consultoría S.A.S. |
30,000 |
551006 |
581005 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-004-2-1801-1812-0551006-0581005 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
47 |
53528 |
53574 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0053528-0053574 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
6 |
53522 |
53527 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0053522-0053527 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación Tángara REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
662 |
52860 |
53521 |
PCR-CO-BFX-14-003-3-1001-1812-0052860-0053521 |
2022-04-07 |
Proyecto de Conservación YAAWI IIPANA REDD+ |
Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C |
915 |
315710 |
316624 |
PCR-CO-BFX-141-005-2-1801-1812-0315710-0316624 |