
Transaction date (YYYY-MM-DD) Project In name of Account holder Amount retired Initial serial Final serial Serials
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 791 11425 12215 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0011425-0012215
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 431 10994 11424 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0010994-0011424
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 760 10234 10993 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0010234-0010993
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 352 9882 10233 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0009882-0010233
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 2,055 7827 9881 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0007827-0009881
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 1,716 6111 7826 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0006111-0007826
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 1,035 5076 6110 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0005076-0006110
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 1,070 4006 5075 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0004006-0005075
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 328 3678 4005 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0003678-0004005
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 156 3522 3677 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0003522-0003677
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 985 2537 3521 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0002537-0003521
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 345 2192 2536 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0002192-0002536
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 598 1594 2191 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0001594-0002191
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 1,165 429 1593 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0000429-0001593
2024-10-17 CRIMA Predio Putumayo y Andoque de Aduche REDD+ Project Terra Commodities S.A.S. 428 1 428 BCR-CO-259-14-005-3-1901-1912-0000001-0000428
2024-10-16 CO2Bio CATARUBEN 2 7910 7911 PCR-CO-635-141-001-3-1501-1512-0007910-0007911
2024-10-10 Proyecto de compensación de emisiones Conservación del bosque Galilea-Amé Sodimac Colombia S.A. Gaia Servicios Ambientales S.A.S. B.I.C 25 13058 13082 PCR-CO-FU-14-001-3-1401-1412-0013058-0013082
2024-10-10 CO2Bio P2-2 CHEVRON PETROLEUM COMPANY CATARUBEN 177 151674 151850 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1901-1912-0151674-0151850
2024-10-10 CO2Bio P2-2 CHEVRON PETROLEUM COMPANY CATARUBEN 635 151039 151673 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1901-1912-0151039-0151673
2024-10-10 CO2Bio P2-2 CHEVRON PETROLEUM COMPANY CATARUBEN 16 107650 107665 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1901-1912-0107650-0107665
2024-10-09 CO2Bio P2-2 PRIMAX COLOMBIA S.A. FUNDACION CATARUBEN 7,894 44779 52672 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-2001-2012-0044779-0052672
2024-10-09 CO2Bio P2-2 TERPEL S.A. FUNDACION CATARUBEN 11,205 33574 44778 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-2001-2012-0033574-0044778
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 13,987 219223 233209 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2201-2212-0219223-0233209
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 12,789 245765 258553 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0245765-0258553
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 2,797 53863 56659 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2010-2012-0053863-0056659
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 6,482 112856 119337 BCR-CO-261-14-001-3-2001-2010-0112856-0119337
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 31,948 187275 219222 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2201-2212-0187275-0219222
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 29,210 216555 245764 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0216555-0245764
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 15,119 38744 53862 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2010-2012-0038744-0053862
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 89,387 58250 147636 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2201-2212-0058250-0147636
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 4,934 53316 58249 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2201-2212-0053316-0058249
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 28,868 1 28868 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2010-2012-0000001-0028868
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 60,795 27911 88705 BCR-CO-261-14-001-3-2001-2010-0027911-0088705
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 27,809 188746 216554 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0188746-0216554
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 2,212 5551 7762 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2301-2301-0005551-0007762
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 39,638 147637 187274 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2201-2212-0147637-0187274
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 9,875 28869 38743 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2010-2012-0028869-0038743
2024-10-07 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 24,150 88706 112855 BCR-CO-261-14-001-3-2001-2010-0088706-0112855
2024-10-02 CO2Bio P2-2 On Vacation CATARUBEN 204 132475 132678 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1801-1812-0132475-0132678
2024-10-02 CO2Bio P2-2 TECHINT CHILE S.A CATARUBEN 135 132340 132474 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1801-1812-0132340-0132474
2024-10-02 CO2Bio P2-2 TECHINT CHILE S.A CATARUBEN 971 131369 132339 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1801-1812-0131369-0132339
2024-10-02 CO2Bio P2-2 SOCIEDAD SERVICIOS INGENIERIA Y MANTENCION INTEGRAL MPM LTDA CATARUBEN 455 130914 131368 BCR-CO-635-14-005-2-1801-1812-0130914-0131368
2024-10-02 PARAMUNO Project 1 TANQUES Y SERVICIOS DEL CASANARE S.A.S CATARUBEN 20 929 948 BCR-CO-635-14-003-2-1708-1712-0000929-0000948
2024-10-02 CultivO2 Project 1 TANQUES Y SERVICIOS DEL CASANARE S.A.S. CATARUBEN 80 236 315 BCR-CO-635-14-004-2-1706-1712-0000236-0000315
2024-09-27 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 81,232 99083 180314 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0099083-0180314
2024-09-27 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 8,431 180315 188745 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0180315-0188745
2024-09-27 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia Jose David Roldan 50,337 48746 99082 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2101-2112-0048746-0099082
2024-09-26 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia OLEODUCTO DE COLOMBIA S.A. Jose David Roldan 1,098 4453 5550 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2301-2301-0004453-0005550
2024-09-26 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia OLEODUCTO DE COLOMBIA S.A. Jose David Roldan 2,668 7763 10430 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2301-2301-0007763-0010430
2024-09-26 Project for Forestry Restoration in Productive and Biological Corridors in the Eastern Plains of Colombia OLEODUCTO DE COLOMBIA S.A. Jose David Roldan 1,168 10431 11598 BCR-CO-261-14-001-2-2301-2301-0010431-0011598
Showing records from 301 to 350 of a total of 5527 records