Project information

Proyecto de compensación de emisiones Conservación del bosque Galilea-Amé

Project ID: PCR-CO-FU-14-001
Project Name: Proyecto de compensación de emisiones Conservación del bosque Galilea-Amé
Project Participants: Fundación Fundame.Col, Ecocarbono SAS ZOMAC Universidad del Tolima
Conformity Assessment Body (CAB): AENOR Confia S.A.U.
Methodology: BCR0002_Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions. REDD+ Projects
Quantification Period: 2010-09-01 to 2040-08-31
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 1,569,740
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from:
Country: Colombia

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The Galilea Forest Conservation REDD+ Project Amé, has the main objective to preserve the region's native forests by reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions caused by deforestation and degradation, also preserving and protecting local biodiversity through inter-institutional programs and initiatives, the development of activities that promote CO2 emissions reduction, execution of social strategies with the purpose of maintaining these forests in a state of conservation. From a biophysical perspective, the region where the project is located (Department of Tolima) characterizes itself by having a high diversity of fauna and flora distributed in different types of ecosystems, as well as a large supply of water resources. In addition these forests are part of the priority areas for conservation in the Andean and Amazonian region, since they are located in the biological corridor that connects the Andean and High Andean forests with the Sumapaz Paramo, National Natural Park and the Galilea Forest Regional Natural Park. It is the last relict of primary forest in eastern Tolima which contains the river Río Negro, main source of the Hidro Prado dam that generates and supplies clean energy to most of the local communities.