Awia Tuparro +9 achieves its implementation through the communities present in eight indigenous reservations (Minitas Mirolindo, Chigüiro, Carpintero Palomas, Egua Guariacana, Nacuañedorro Tuparro, Awia Tuparro, Caño Mochuelo and Piaroa of Cachicamo), located in Colombia in the Amazon and Orinoquia regions, with a total area of 331,064.45 hectares. The objective of the project is reducing the emissions from the deforestation and forest degradation through the sustainable forest development, seeking to positively impact communities that have achieved, the conservation of strategic ecosystems such as the tropical humid forest, temporary or permanent wetlands and flooded savannas. This is achieved thanks to the development of project activities that are defined by the identification of the necessities of each of the reservations according to the strategic lines of governance, sense of belonging, sustainable economic development, conservation and environment, and culture and society.
Project summary
Project document
Validations & Verificacions