The REDD+ conservation project aims to protect and reestablish strategic ecosystems in the capture of CO2, and other ecological functions such as the conservation of biodiversity, connectivity and social value of forestry practices and reforestation on land without forest cover. This project involves a sustainable forest management under the guidelines of the Ministry of Environment of Colombia as a model of development from the forest zoning and land use certificate of the municipality and CORMACARENA.
The project area is 30,000 ha, with a regional rate of deforestation of 20% and an average of CO2 net removed per year and per ha: 180 t CO2-e/year/ha.
Net average removed per 6,020 ha: 1,083,600 t CO2-e/year-
Total, net removed for a crediting period of 20 years:
21,672,000 t CO2-e (*21,238,560)
Project summary
Project document
Validations & Verificacions