Project information

Proyecto Awai

Project ID: BCR-PE-154-14-001
Project Name: Proyecto Awai
Project Holder: Dismart Amazon Carbon
Project Participants: Dismart Amazon Carbon eGreen CHILE SPA Forestry concession holders: *Consorcio Forestal Netrimac S.A.C. *Consorcio Maderero Lamf & Jedan *CONSTRUCTORA Y SERVICIOS LA PEDRERA E.I.R.LFORESTAL ALTO SAPOSOA SAC *Multinegocios Wendy EIRL *ERNESTO ANTONIO LOPEZ CARDENAS *FORESTAL El CEDRO SA *Forestal Yetar E.I.R.L. *Industrial Bellavista EIRL *INVERSIONES MAR & WILL EIRL *Maderera Industrial Perez & Mesia SAC *Multinegocios Nicoll SRL *Ricardo Moreno Valderrama *FORESTAL SAN ANTONIO EIRL *Servicios Forestales Payuyo S.R.L *EMPRESA MADERERA RIVAS HNOS SRL (EMARI SRL) *INVERSIONES MAHERVA E.I.R.L
Validation/Verification Body:
Methodology: BCR0001_ARR Activities and BCR0002_Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions. REDD+ Projects
Quantification Period: 2025-02-04 to 2065-02-04
Verified GHG Emission Reductions or Removals: 0
Sector: Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFOLU)
Migrated from:
Country: Peru


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Awai Project is an initiative for conserving Peruvian Amazon forests in San Martín, Loreto, and Ucayali, vital areas for thousands who depend on these ecosystems. Led by Dismart Amazon Carbon and eGreen, the project protects up to 500,000 hectares through agreements with forestry concession holders to reduce timber extraction. In deforested areas, reforestation restores natural value, improves forest quality, and ensures carbon storage in plants and soils, preventing its release into the atmosphere. Conservation methodologies will also enhance preserved areas, preserving ecological integrity and boosting carbon sequestration. Proceeds from carbon credit sales fund these conservation and restoration activities. Awai Project emphasizes inclusive, democratic participation to promote sustainable development for the Amazon and its people.

Project summary

Project document

Validations & Verificacions